Homeopathy allergy treatment in Kolkata can treat any type of skin problem. Common types of skin disease include eczema, rashes, psoriasis and allergic dermatitis. Here are examples of common Homeopathic treatments:

  • Graphites: Graphite is a remedy that can cure a number of skin diseases. Mainly the diseases that bear symptoms like dry and itchy skin are treated with Graphite.
  • Sulphur: Sulphur is among the top preferences to treat skin diseases. This material is used to treat psoriasis, acne, and eczema.
  • Thuja Occidentalis: This medicine is known for its ability to treat patches and all types of itchy skin. Age spot and wrinkles have also been successfully treated with this medicine. Skin affected with warts, acne, freckles and dry skin have also been treated with success.
  • Cantharis: This medicine is used to treat burns. Typical skin conditions that resemble burns can also be healed by application of this medicine. Insect bites, Sunburn, blisters and skin eruptions have also been treated with success. It can address blister formation, searing pain and any pain associated with second and third-degree burning.