The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ simultaneously. If one takes right medicine in perfect dose, then he will be cured without any side effect. On the other hand, patients may experience severe side effects if any wrong medicine is used for too long period.

Often more than that. If the selection of medicine is perfect, homoeopathic medicines act almost magically

Of course. Except few conditions like accidents or just after operations, homoeopathy can be safely used in any acute condition with miraculous results.

Some of the medicines (viz. antihypertensives, antidiabetics etc.) can go simultaneously before their gradual withdrawal. But it should be according to the advice of concerned physician.

Though Master Hahnemann advised to avoid foods containing medicinal properties like onion, garlic or coffee etc., but In my opinion, no food hampers the dynamic effect of homeopathic medicine. Thus, they can be taken simultaneously.

This is an allegation often cited by our oppositions that they have tested homeopathic medicines and it was found to be positive for steroid. This is a misconception. Actually, in most of homeopathic medicines, lactose or alcohol is used as the base, which often gives false positive test for steroid if ‘clorimetric method using tetrazolium blue salt’ is used as test method. But if other method for testing steroid, i.e. Liberman Buchard test (thin layer chromatography method and UV absorption method) is used, there is no chance to give such false positive result. Thus, before blaming, you must find out what testing procedure was used to eliminate the possibility of misleading result.
Moreover, steroid suppresses immunity, whereas it has been found clinically that homeopathic medicines increase immunity. So, considering this fact, homeopathic medicines should not contain steroid logically too.